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Technics SL-1900 Direct Drive Automatic

Technics SL-1900 Direct Drive Automatic High Quality Turntable from the specialist: It features all automatic functions. You can manually adjust the record size and select the repeat loops. For perfect adjustment, both speeds can be pitched separately. The tuntable has one owner only and the Technics headshell with the HQ cartridge EPC-270 II is included.

Technics SL-1900 Direct Drive Automatic

High Quality Turntable from the specialist: It features all automatic functions. You can manually adjust the record size and select the repeat loops. For perfect adjustment, both speeds can be pitched separately.

The optical condition is very nice. The cover looks as new. it has a very fine crack at one of the hinges. However, that does not alter the functionality and is perfectly stable.

The tuntable has one owner only and the Technics headshell with the HQ cartridge EPC-270 II is included. It sounds very clear, dynamic and detailed.

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